Everybody must beleive the facts being said about the ghosts.Many stories as told by our grandparents about the ghosts,spirits can let us think twice or thrice about the same.In this modern world full of technology most of the times it is really very hard to beleive about the fact that they really exist or not.Supernatural things seems to have their roots only in the books,stories and novels that is what general people beleive.They find it very hard to digest these things about the supernatural powers ,spirits,ghosts.Still sometimes an ordinary creature can beleive these things but science is completely against such tendencies as here we need the proofs rather than the facts.Many scientist are working to get the truth.Many devices are being designed by them to capture them if there is really possibility of their existence.Now even Scientist are trying to device an equipment which can produce elecrtromagnetic viabrations matching the frequency of our vision range and we can see such things which if sustain any kind of such existence.
I personally really dont beleive the facts so last night we decided to visit a haunted house in our city Chandigarh.Chandigarh is the city full of development and resources.Large number of people belonging to the different section of the society are residing here.We came to know about haunted house in sector 16 and we all friends just planned to go and check what exactly it is as many times we heard about the story of the ghosts as well.Many blogs have shown the existence of ghost there.This haunted house has the past history related with the suicide of a boy.Many people have said they saw boy without eyeball there,we were really very excited to face such an instance if it really have something to do with the reality.After having our coffee from the Coffee cafe Day we decided to go there.We aint know the exact location so we searched alot that night finally we were just in front of that haunted house sharp at 2 o clock late night.The first look to the house gave us such a scary feeling that we were hesitating to come out of the car.Then after 30 minutes we found another car with 6 people in it.They were also there just to see whether really there a ghost or not.So now we were 12 people who decided to go to the first floor of the house.We all were sayin to each other to lead but noone was really coming ahead to lead the others but finally someone from that 6 guys come ahead to lead us so that we could go to the first floor.We decided in case if anybody comes to see anything then they need not to panic but just to show as if there is nothing.So we were going up the stairs slowly and slowly holding each others hands and everybody was going like the way as if there is really a ghost.We went there was nothing except some writings there which I suppose is not more than written impression by the people who use to visit the house like us.The one and only thing that prompted me to think something wrong in the house is the different type of construction of the walls that makes that house really like full of fear.Mostly we construct the walls normally but there was a wall within the wall.Small window like small construction is present on the wall jusl like the emergency door os some bus.That was really very different and that made me feel like the house aint means for living.
Now the strange thing happened, now everybody said lets go to the second floor but everyone was so much scared that noone really want to go the second floor as when we were outside of the house the window of the second floor was giving such an expression like someone is out there gazing at us but I think that was just a preception not more than that.We didn't find anything there except a negative feeling in the house.Still we have tried four times to go and see the second floor but everytime that negative feeling don't let us go to that floor.
So that was really nice expereince although we didn't find any ghost but psychologically we people were really thrilled and scared.One of my friend was so much scared just to see the house that he didn't even entered the gate of the house.So I personally think that there is not any existence of the ghost but our imagination let us feel so.Whatever we imagine that we really see and get.So it was nice visiting the house,still going to try to visit the second floor of that house too.I am writing this post because I just want to say that even after coming to the world of technology we beleive on the facts and sayings that is not justified.Hope you might have enjoyed the post.